Mermaid related sites:
Kelly Hawes's Web Site Sample photos of Kelly's artwork. Contains several mermaids.
Sea Tails Online Kurt Cagle's mermaid related web page.
Mermaid Net Another wonderful site full of mermaid info. and images.
Las Sirenas Mermaid related web site with great photos and items to purchase.
Frodo's Mermaid Links "Your gateway to mermaids on the Internet!"
Faye's Mermaids This is one of the best places to buy mermaid items.
Candyland on Eliki Free graphics for home pages. Fairies, mermaids, etc.
Sea Wee related sites:
Sea Wees Lagoon Great Sea Wee info. from a fellow collector and friend.
Sea Wees Tub Club Take a look at this huge collection of Sea Wees.
Pearl's Shimmers and Sea Wees This site contains Sea Wees and similar dolls called Shimmers.
Barbie related sites:
Mad About That Barbie doll! A great source of Barbie information.
Flossy's Dolls and Collectibles Sandi Woodward's doll collecting site contains both classified ads and a doll collectors list server.
NiniMomo Creations Unbelievable one-of-a-kind designer Barbies.A must-see for Barbie collectors.
Doll Raves This site is dedicated to showcasing doll artists. Includes tips on rerooting and restoring dolls.
Candi Girls This site is about another 11 1/2" fashion doll called Candi. There are a few Candi make-overs to view.